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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Aug 27, 2020
Interdisciplinary C diff reduction workgroup during the pandemic, national AMR surveillance network in Vietnam, proposal for an international One Health online learning platform, and more
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Aug 27, 2020
Interdisciplinary C diff reduction workgroup during the pandemic, national AMR surveillance network in Vietnam, proposal for an international One Health online learning platform, and more
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Aug 20, 2020
Letter to US Congress about AMR in the pandemic response, stewardship for neonatal sepsis in South Africa, research on antibiotics for cystic fibrosis patients, and more
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FDA, partners to expand NARMS antibiotic resistance efforts
Surveillance will include more bacterial pathogens, animal species, and environment testing.
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