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Link between fluoroquinolones, aorta problems may not be as strong as thought
Links between use of the antibiotics and increased risk of aortic bulging or rupture may not be as strong as previously reported.
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Sep 3, 2020
Lessons learned about AMR during COVID-19 and the 1957-58 flu pandemic, AMR in men with gonorrhea in South Africa, sustainable antimicrobial stewardship during the pandemic, and more
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WHO recommends targeted approach for mass distribution of azithromycin
New guidelines say mass azithromycin should be considered in infants in sub-Saharan African countries with high childhood mortality.
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Studies highlight dynamic impact of COVID-19 on antibiotic use
In one study, 57% of patients got early antibiotics, but only 3.5% had a bacterial infection.
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