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Study warns of pairing azithromycin with drugs that affect heart rhythm
Those receiving the antibiotic as well as drugs that prolong the QT interval had more cardiac events.
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Sep 17, 2020
Launch of pharmacy commission and roadmap for AMR, free online course on antimicrobial stewardship in dentistry, bacterial co-infections in COVID-19 patients in a French ICU, and more
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Sep 10, 2020
Phage-hunting techniques for SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance, recommendations for improving AMR communications across Africa, Scottish advocacy for including AMR in international trade agreements, and more
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WHO says sepsis causes 20% of global deaths
Global data from 2017 show that sepsis affected 49 million people and was tied to 11 million deaths.
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