Combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
I am encouraging the world of finance to tackle AMR. Large investors can exert significant influence over the companies they invest in and with public policy makers. While investors are stepping up their efforts on systemic risks such as climate change, there is still limited awareness of the impact of antibiotic resistance on investment portfolios. Inspired by Lord Jim O'Neill and Dame Sally Davies, I lead Aviva Investors work on AMR. I recently completed a Master’s Degree at the University of Cambridge, kindly supported by Aviva. My studies focused on the most effective actions investors can take to tackle AMR as part of our series of reports and events focused on Superbugs and Super Risks. My focus now turns to the 2020 Investor Year of Action on AMR - a collaboration between investors and the UK Government to galvanize investor efforts to address global antimicrobial resistance. Because all of us need to resistance fighters.