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COVID-19 presents antibiotic stewardship with challenges, opportunities
"The hardest thing to do as a doctor is nothing, even if nothing is the right answer."
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — May 14, 2020
Educational materials for patients on COVID-19 medications, effects of US fluoroquinolone black-box warning, Spanish antibiotic use surveillance and data visualization, and more
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — May 7, 2020
UK guidelines for bacterial pneumonia therapy during COVID-19, nurse AMR and infection control guide, handshake stewardship in Lebanon, and more
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Anna Dumitriu and the Art of Infectious Diseases

“I work by developing in-depth collaborations through embedded residencies shadowing researchers and working hands-on in the lab to understand the research, methods and processes. I use the raw materials of research to create my artworks, performances and participatory workshops.” Anna Dumitriu

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Resistance Fighter”になりましょう