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CIDRAP-ASP Newsletter — Jun 11, 2020
Structural factors affecting COVID-19 antibiotic use in LMICs, US-based supply chain for antibiotic manufacture, point-of-care testing for gonorrhea, and more
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Study finds short-term impact of China’s ban on colistin for animals
The ban on using colistin for growth promotion is tied to reduced MCR-1 in both animals and people.
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Shorter antibiotic course in uncomplicated bacteremia shows some promise
Antibiotic therapy with CRP-guided duration or fixed 7-day duration were found to be non-inferior to 14 days of antibiotics.
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Jun 5, 2020
WHO guidance on antibiotic therapy for COVID-19, telemedicine for stewardship interventions during COVID-19, need for effective antibiotics for cancer patients, and more
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