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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Jul 16, 2020
AMR surveillance guidelines for Asia-Pacific aquaculture, impact of AMR on cancer care, need for curriculum on social dimensions of AMR, and more
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Jul 9, 2020
Japanese funding for global antibiotic development, stewardship in 16 Kenyan healthcare facilities, AMR and the needs of children, and more
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New pharma-led fund aims to boost antibiotic development
The AMR Action Fund will invest nearly $1 billion in smaller biotech firms.
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Jul 2, 2020
Stewardship and remdesivir approval and distribution, funding for drug-resistant tuberculosis in Kiribati, AMR surveillance in Indonesia, and more
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