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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Sep 5, 2019
Antibiotic access and AMR in LMIC neonatal units, stewardship campaign in Gibraltar, AMR and meningococcal disease in Hajj pilgrims, and more
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Lawmakers urge EPA to rethink use of antibiotics on citrus trees
A letter argues that the EPA has ignored other federal agencies and scientific evidence.
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CIDRAP Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Newsletter — Aug 29, 2019
Gonorrhea AMR surveillance across 67 countries, One Health approach to AMR in Papua New Guinea, stewardship for reserve antibiotics in Croatia, and more
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Mistrust, unclear test results, differing guidance all part of Lyme puzzle
Among the questions facing clinicians: When to order antibiotics for recurrent symptoms? As many as 10% to 20% of patients may experience post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome at least 6 months after treatement.
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