Toma acción

Cómo puede influir la resistencia antimicrobiana
en la cotidianidad

quote icon Por muy impactantes que sean las cifras proyectadas sobre las muertes y los costes relacionados con la RAM; está en nuestras manos cambiar la situación, y tiene todo el sentido económico, además de ser una necesidad moral. quote icon
- Jim O’Neill de la revisión sobre la Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos

Actúa y comparte tu conocimiento

Una acción que puedes tomar hoy es unirte à la Coalición de Luchadores contra la Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos y compartir el compromiso personal para combatir la RAM. Porque todos necesitamos ser combatientes contra la resistencia.

Crecimiento de la coalición
144 Historias
y contando
Participación internacional
45 Países
y contando

How We Can Impact Antimicrobial Resistance

Learn how you can combat AMR and how others are combating it every day.

Hospital Administrator's Story

As the CEO of a healthcare system, ensuring patient safety and providing quality care are my key areas of focus. This includes reducing the risk of adverse events, such as hospital-acquired infections, and managing resistant organisms in my healthcare system. I want to enable the best possible outcomes for patients and employees while minimizing risks and costs, which is why I deploy rigorous infection prevention guidelines, advocate for strong awareness of antimicrobial stewardship and encourage physicians and partners to use smarter diagnostic practices. As the uncertainty around the financial and regulatory environment continues to increase, I need to work with all of my partners in the healthcare system to reduce costs and risks associated with AMR. Because all of us need to be resistance fighters.

Pharmacist’s Story

As a hospital pharmacist, I know that inappropriate use of antibiotics can create life-threatening risks for patients and reduce the effectiveness of new and existing drugs. This is why I work closely with medical and laboratory teams to ensure patient treatment decisions are based on timely diagnostic tests that accurately identify infectious pathogens. Because all of us need to be resistance fighters.

Infection Control Practicioner's Story

As an infection control practitioner, I realize most patients don’t know that common bacteria, including resistant organisms that may be present on their own skin, can cause life-threatening infections after undergoing surgery. This is why I ensure careful adherence to patient skin preparation and other protocols to reduce infections associated with surgery or other invasive procedures. Because all of us need to be resistance fighters.

Patient's Story

When I developed a simple fever for no apparent reason, I never expected to end up as a hospitalized patient in a life-or-death struggle against a drug-resistant infection. I survived my illness because the hospital precisely diagnosed the cause of infection and prescribed the right treatment. Today, I’m doing whatever I can to inform others about the threat of AMR. Because all of us need to be resistance fighters.

Parent's Story

As a mother, I worry about my child’s safety in a world where antibiotics won’t necessarily treat infections. I teach him that good hygiene habits, like washing his hands, are important for staying healthy. Still, it’s impossible to protect him from every germ. When he does get a cold, I no longer insist that his doctor prescribe antibiotics because I now understand that antibiotics only treat bacterial infections, not viral ones, and that my son should only take them when absolutely necessary. I advocate for education on antibiotics because no parent should have to fear for their child’s life from illnesses that were once easily curable. Because all of us need to be resistance fighters.

Microbiologist's Story

As a microbiologist, I have an up-close view of the antimicrobial resistant bacteria that threaten human lives every day. My focus is to identify organisms that cause infection, determine if they are resistant to antimicrobials and confirm if there’s a drug that will work. Experts predict that AMR may one day cause more deaths than cancer does today. I am determined to not see that happen, and this is why I am always vigilant against AMR. Because all of us need to be resistance fighters.

Infection Preventionist's Story

As a specialist in infectious diseases, I know that even routine medical procedures can become life-threatening for my patients because of AMR. This is why I insist on ordering the right diagnostic tests to determine whether an infecting organism is resistant and which drugs will work, as well as ensuring tight adherence to infection control protocols. Because all of us need to be resistance fighters.

Primary Care Physician's Story

As a primary care physician, I see many patients with a fever who expect to receive an antibiotic. But antibiotics cannot cure a viral infection and antibiotic misuse contributes to the spread of AMR, which can be life-threatening for my patients. This is why I insist on getting an accurate diagnostic to guide my antimicrobial prescribing and why I support the efforts to combat AMR. Because all of us need to be resistance fighters.

Acciones a tomar ahora

Podemos garantizar prácticas sólidas para la prevención y el control de infecciones. El control de infecciones previene o detiene la propagación de infecciones en entornos de atención médica. Cuando sea posible, tomar medidas para evitar contraer una infección en primer lugar ayudará a protegerlo a usted y a su familia y reducirá la necesidad de antibióticos.

Podemos implementar efectivamente el uso de pruebas de laboratorio. Conocido como gestión diagnóstica (pedir la prueba correcta, en el momento correcto, para el paciente correcto), esto brindará al médico la información necesaria para guiar las decisiones terapéuticas.

Podemos impulsar colectivamente las mejores prácticas en torno a la administración de antibióticos. Las estrategias de conducción para mejorar el uso de antibióticos proporcionarán resultados óptimos para los pacientes y preservarán los antimicrobianos para uso futuro.

Seis cosas que podemos hacer para combatir la RAM:10

1. Prevenir el contagio lavándose regularmente las manos y estando al día con las vacunas.

2. Prevenir las infecciones de origen alimentario lavando las frutas y verduras y cocinando adecuadamente los alimentos.

3. Entienda que los antibióticos sólo funcionan contra las bacterias. No funcionan para los resfriados y gripes que son causados por virus.

4. No presionar a su profesional de la salud para que le dé antibióticos si le dice que no los necesita.

5. Tomar antibióticos sólo sean prescritos y no usar ni compartir las sobras.

6. Seguir las instrucciones del personal sanitario cuando te receten antibióticos.

Tools to Mobilize Your Community

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Comparte tu historia y se un luchador contra la resistencia a los antimicrobianos